
PayPal’s Commitment to Equality and Justice


May 31, 2020 | Dan Schulman, President and CEO

To the PayPal Community:

As a company whose core value is inclusion, the PayPal community is committed to equality and justice – and these commitments have never been more important than they are today. Hatred, discrimination and injustice are unacceptable and have no place in our societies. We have seen a rise of xenophobic actions around the world, as the economic and psychological impacts of COVID-19 spread. We cannot stay silent in the face of racial injustice whether it is within our own communities or outside of them. No one should feel threatened or afraid because of the color of their skin, or who they are, or who they choose to be.  We all have a responsibility to end discrimination and intolerance — and to seek justice, reconciliation and healing. We stand with the family of George Floyd and the countless other families and communities who have suffered discrimination, hatred or racial violence. We must stay vigilant and do our part to build toward justice and equality for all people. Our actions, both individually and collectively, can make a difference, especially now.

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