PayPal Stories Archive

Old Money is Closed Presidents’ Day. New Money is Always Open.

Presidents’ Day was originally enacted into a Federal holiday by Congress in 1879 so that we could all sing a collective Happy Birthday to George Washington. Now, most of us use it to celebrate all of our commanders-in-chief with a brew and BBQ on a much-desired, much-deserved day off.
But the national holiday has morphed into a star-spangled banner day of commerce. It's become a mattress-discounting, car-hawking, salsa-slinging reminder that we live in an on-demand world where we expect 24/7 access to our money and the things we love, whenever and wherever – even during bank holidays. It’s a reminder that old money doesn’t always meet our needs.
New Money, on the other hand, knows we need always-on access to our money. So today, when you come to pay back a friend co-hosting a BBQ or you hit up some Presidents’ Day sales, don’t worry if you forgot your cash. Though old money may be closed, PayPal is open.
To all the presidents -- past and present -- happy birthday, from PayPal.

PayPal Stories Staff 

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