PayPal Currency: The Gray Zone
Robert Clarkson, VP, GM North America, Large Merchant & Retail Solutions: “There’s a very fine line between friction and connection … we want to maximize connection, minimize friction—but not at the detriment of either one.”
Every business supports a customer. And for some companies, the customer is actually a business. In
PayPal’s case, both businesses and consumers are the customer. And according to Steve Fusco, VP of North American Distribution, developers and the platforms they build for their products is a third, distinct customer. So how does PayPal provide a cogent, reliable product – or even a consistent brand image – while serving multiple groups in a transaction? Well, it’s forced to pursue a smooth experience and relentless innovation on all fronts. If it sounds like a difficult balance to strike or even a complex juggling act, it is. And in an effort to provide a bit of intentional friction designed to provide natural connection to each party, PayPal must work hard to make the most of this gray zone.
PayPal Stories Staff