PayPal Stories Archive

Spring for the Party & Enjoy Thanks (and some dollars!) in Return
Hosting a party = awesome.
Menu planning, prepping AND fronting the bill for the party = not so awesome.
Never fret - we’ve got four staff picks for award winning recipes that your friends will be eager to chip in for. We’re talking the kind of taste test that will inspire your guests to pop open our redesigned PayPal app and send you money (note: this is obviously contingent upon your execution, so don’t mess up ;). We may not be able to help with the prep work, but two out of three ain’t bad...
So get out your bowls, beaters and ballots, and get ready to throw the richest awards party outside of Hollywood. PayPal presents our nom-nominees!
BEST TART DIRECTION : Golden Statue Tartlets
BEST CHOCUMENTARY : Chocolate Cookie Truffles
BEST CAKE-UP : Champagne & Strawberries Cake
BEST PITCHER : Moscow Mule

Yasmin Hosseinzadeh, Global Content, Platform Strategy & Corporate Communications, PayPal

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